
The Grievance Redressal committee for students [GRCS] is reconstituted on 17.06.2023 as per the order no. G.O No 344/2023/HEDN dated 09/06/2023. The members of the committee are enclosed here with.

1 Prof. Manu Joseph Vice Principal Chairman 9961782728
2 Mrs. Smitha Mathew Senior Lecturer Secretary 9946360864
3 Mrs. Gigi John Asso. Professor Nodal Officer [SSGP] 9497694480
4 Sr.Liji C Maria Senior Lecturer Nodal Officer [SSGP] 9645364912
5 Ms. Naseera Saheer Hostel Warden Member 9633865894
6 Mrs. Jishi K Parent PTA President 8547352068
7 Mr. Sayooj M S Student Representative College Union Chairman 8078453039
8 Ms. Aleena Shijin Student Representative SNA Chairperson 9447033568
9 Ms. Aleena T A Student Representative University Union Councilor 9778057977

Implemented during the academic year 2015-16. Skill inventory programme was introduced to recognize learning skill of the students. Asso.Prof. Gigi John and Senior Lecturer Sr. Liji C Maria were appointed as Nodal officers to organize the programme. One teacher mentor was assigned for 12 students and mentor will monitor and track the academic performance of the students. Mentor mentee meeting is scheduled in monthly basis, to discuss about the academic issue/or any other problems related personal/health issues, however in special occasion more numbers of interactions also have conducted. Monthly report of SSGP is being prepared & sent to university in a regular basis.

SSGP meeting conducts regularly with members, mentors, class coordinators and with weak students. The discussion mainly focused on measures to improve the scholastic performance of the students. It was decided to identify the slow learners and provide additional support to them. Effective implementation of SSGP could track many students who requires scholastic assistance and other personal or emotional assistance, also provided referral services, able to achieve substantial outcome on the basis of academic performance and university results. Many meetings have been conducted with parents to improve the academic performance and also to correct the behavior and favorable changes have been observed.

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